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Want to be an Artist? Where to Begin?

Well, I see I am rather behind in blogging! My first blog was in 2015 and I seem to have forgotten to keep blogging. I want to encourage creative people, those who have perhaps been thinking about expressing themselves creatively, but have not quiet had the courage. I say "GO FOR IT", who cares what it looks/sounds like, you are one step closer to successfully expressing yourself creatively. How freeing is that? No matter how many years we have been an Artist (Music, Visual, Performance) we still have moments of self doubt, so taking the first step can be scary. Taking the second or third step, can be scary too. If you have any inkling to become an Artist, start now. Join a group for encouragement and support, or go solo and hide your work under the bed- it's okay, you will be brave enough to show it somewhere at some point - or not- do it for yourself. If you are thinking a group may be nice Opus often runs #opusdailypractice and it is free, they send you a daily prompt. Sign up for my blog, I can keep you going with creative ideas. To borrow a phrase "Just Do It!" Have some fun, play, dance, draw, put some paint on the paper, get your kids, dog, partner to join in, or give yourself some time to have solitude and create. It really isn't important how or what you create, it is the act of enjoying yourself, playing, laughing, having fun that is important. Some days it may not seem like fun, but that's okay too. Allow yourself express yourself creatively and you will start to see the world in a different light. Have Fun and Enjoy.

Here is one of my favorite links - I have signed up for Nicholas Wilton's emails and each time one arrives randomly, it is filled with informative info: When I first started following him I did not even really like Abstract painting, now I am learning to paint abstract - It is not as easy as you would think - but that is for another day. See what Nicholas is up to (one day I hope to take a workshop and meet the Artist) Have a wonderful creative day.

One of my very first abstracts

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